Meteen naar de inhoud

This is not fiction…

Every aspect we claim has a validation. Over the past 25+ years our teams individuals have been busy with validating the claims that we make. With added knowledge from the Medical Device industry and topped off with a serious network in many areas See company is a serious company with a unique way of doing the right thing.

Over the past decades we have been instrumental in producing the evidence based papers. Not all of them delivering the outcome that was aimed for by the requester. But all have a positive contribution to what we aim to achieve. 

Work smarter, not harder!

Featuring a selection of important articles. Find much more evidence in our library.

Effect of Vegetation on Air Quality

Evidence based research revealing the true and positive effect of vegetation on the quality of the air we breath

Green Roads

Comprehensive guidelines to maximise the return on investment, written in Dutch

We started our track record back in 2009

Breda, The Netherlands

1988 – 1998

Breda, a city in the South that is fully crossed by elementary ecological infrastructure. 10 years of inventory and monitoring lead to a design and maintenance typology of various green structures and their progress by changing the assorted species and frequency of maintenance. the result was a leap in biodiversity in general and growing populations of vulnerable and rare species. The basic information for ecotypes is data and GPS location on a set of common weeds, shrubs and trees – that can be identified by anybody – clusters of species identify soil types, soil humidity, potential production of biomass and possible use of biomass as renewable resource. 

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

1998 – 2006

Rotterdam, a city in the Dutch delta with a coast line and tidal variation in salinity. an 30 ha. island used for the pillars of the van Brienenoord bridge became a paradise with creeks and river forest after changing the maintenance and introducing grazing wild stock. a monumental natural park open for visitors year round. On the seaside can be found dunes that now grow by themselves since 12 years after changing the routine of supplementing sand on the beaches every year into a so called sand engine in front of the coast. The amazing multiplication of biodiversity by just changing a routine of moving sand from place to place.

Arnhem – Nijmegen, The Netherlands

2006 – 2012

In the city region Arnhem-Nijmegen a European program took place during 4 years called Future Cities. Adaptive solutions on different localities were tested and monitored. Most eminent an Air Quality test site along the A50, where 365 days 24 hours data was collected on the inception and absorption of particulate matter through a pre-designed vegetation of pines, leaved trees and evergreens. Results were an astonishing clearing of the air up to 15 %, apart from the capturing of NOx and CO2. Seasonal, peak mobility and wind-pattern impact differences clearly cannot be modelled easily and dumped into generic mitigation rules. Tailor-made designs on specific sites however do make the difference.

Schiphol Airport, The Netherlands

2009 – 2013

At Schiphol Airport misbalance in the ecosystem around the air strips was a growing problem. Thousands of geese formed a serious risk for aviation. Food production on the agricultural sites kept attracting more and more birds. Neighbouring farmers and the Airport authorities tried everything to diminish the population, but the geese learned and all the time came back. Until a small cooperative changed the food crops for areas with the fibre crop Miscanthus. The experiment showed that the population of geese shrinked and the biomass became an innovative resource for bio-based building blocks. 

Our Current Projects

Next up are exhilarating improvements that will leave a lasting impression for years to come!


Freeway A7

Bus stops

Provence North-Holland