Meteen naar de inhoud

It’s so simple! See company designed a matrix of several components that individually can either be applied and or emphasised. Meaning that in a certain available zone we can specifically design the landscape in such a way that it meets exactly the criteria you have set out.

See company has found ways to maximise ecological power by optimising specific combinations of plants, animals, water and local climate, and soil for your desired outcome.

Our combined expertise results in plentiful functionalities and multifarious return on investments.


Small to Medium Businesses

Large Enterprises

Global Corporations


Curious about your potential impact?

After understanding what the ambition is of the project we can start thinking about our options.

We take the following steps:

Analysis of soil and environment

Write the specifications and prognosis

Planting and cultivation

Defining the exact goals

Prepare the land

Monitoring and maintenance

Our Multifunctional Green Zone gives you strategic business choices. All you have to do is decide which zone is best for your business. Going green has never been easier.

Green Industrial Zones

zones that allow the current bigger polluters to stay in business. Specific zones that target specific pollution to not just get close to the current norm, but to objectify that this is actually realised.

Green Enablement Zones

zones that allow companies to expand and grow by compensating the burden they create with their business. Meeting not the current but the future requirements is key here.


zones that reduce the cities temperatures during summer, that clean the air, that has blooming seasons that feed important insects and that stores water in case of draught. These zones can be micro in size or the base around which whole new blocks are being designed. Urban living in the coming century MUST be living in, or close to, a MGZ.

Green Investment Zones

zones that are interesting for investors who want to convert for example farmland into specific Green Zones that clean the air, increase biodiversity and collect on the carbon credits and harvested biomass for energy production.

Green Compensation Zones

zones that are in a remote location to where pollution might be. But do serve a general purpose. Cleaning air, housing wildlife, connecting nature reserves, generating biomass or increasing the biodiversity.

Green Recreation Zones

zones that smartly integrate the need for exercise and the benefits of functional green. Hiking, biking, MBT and even canoeing and SUP-ing are examples of much needed activities in cities and villages.

Green Mobility Zones

zones connecting A to B. The ones causing much pollution, and are unsafe with high risk of casualty, or are the protective mantle for the e-bike highways connecting suburbs to the cities. These areas can be covered by MGZ’s capturing pollution, up to rubber tire particles lingering alongside the roads.

How will you add to a better world?