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The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it

— Robert Swan

Raise the bar much higher than current requirements.

Bring it where it needs to be. Or even higher.

See company enables future living and business growth by designing and delivering the promise of creating Multifunctional Green Zones that create a measurable contribution to our biggest current challenge.

Global linear economy is in a deep crisis, time is up for compensating and mitigating of damage. ‘It is the ecology, stupid’, we have to restore the balance in ecosystems all over the world and it will have to be done by a circular approach. No more waste, no more haste, nature can and will bring a brighter and balanced future for all living creatures, if we take the right decisions and make way and time for natural processes to slow down and turn climate change into an advantage.
Most species are capable of adapting and resilient, mankind is the exception.

Companies need to grow, people need to live and we all have a responsibility towards our planet. See company created Multifunctional Green Zones , MGZ’s in short.
Our MGZ’s deliver measurable results!
The best part? MFG’s have a science backed prospective contribution sheet that can be monitored to objectify its actual results. 

No restrictions, not even within todays constraints, if you do things the right way!
See company enables businesses, governments and individuals in realising their dreams.

How big of an impact will you decide to have?

Time’s up!
And you can have an immediate impact, just like that. Many people talk the talk, but you can actually walk the walk. By going See Style you choose to go the measurable way. Objectify your contribution and take it from there.

Multifunctional really is multifunctional!

Besides the primary objectives to store, capture, or convert poisonous gasses and small particle air pollution there is so much more you can do.
We are able to help you with our sophisticated Multifunctional Green Zones.

Our Guarantee

See company guarantees that you will not just tick a box. A tailored design that meets your specific needs and those of the community you live in.
In the 5 year cycle See company can predict, measure and report annually on the projected and realised tangible results. From CO2 and Carbon Credits to NOX objectives and volumes of biomass produced. You name it, we design it, we measure it!


If you understand the climate change issues and its negative, we should talk! Our MFG’s are adaptive and scalable solutions for a resilient future through circular land use, maintenance and development.


We offer tailor made perspectives and prospects based on the vast experience of a multidisciplinary team as well as a broad network of experienced innovators on different themes from societal to physical, from economical to legal.

Our aim is to bring back balance in ecosystems to cope with Carbon and Nitrogen loads, by upcycling biomass to new raw materials, restore biodiversity and create new landscapes on a human scale.


Proven impactful and practical results in various small and large scale projects on climate adaptive greenery in metropolitan areas and open landscapes, over a period of 30 years are now to be implemented, up-scaled and monitored

Meet the people behind the concept and learn what they’re all about.

Let’s work together on your
next project

Don’t let ‘The Green Deals’ of this world hold you back! 
Build your dream, but build it sustainable.
You can publish your contribution, you can share your results, you can step away from vulnerable situations where others doubt your Green contribution/burden. 
Let us know about your plan. Call us for a conversation to see if there is a match or a fit between what you want and what we can do to make that happen!